Planning is a future-oriented system of performance. Physical planning is the interdisciplinary scientific discipline and administritive skill, whose only aim is to upgrade the quality of living of inhabitants in a certain area through organization, planning and usage of space. Regional planning is a term frequently used, too. It strives to space development based on the sustaining principles and organization of space based on a specific concept, that is a leitmotiv.
Urban planning deals with organization, planning, and usage of urban or city areas, i.e. physical, economical, social and ecological development of these areas. An inevitable part of a planning procedure during preparation of all level planning documents, is planning of traffic and other utility infrastructures in the fields of hydrotechnics, electro energetics, telecommunications, and thermoenergetics. Numerous physical, urban, and regulatory plans, whose main creators or participants in their creation were employed in “Urbis centar” d.o.o. Banja Luka, show significant experience and proven competence in designing this kind of plan documents.